
Is This Christianity?

Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.

Hebrews 12:2 NIV

You frustrate couples during their wedding because they have not followed traditions not because they have done anything sinful in any way.

Are we now placing traditions above Christ?

Is my profession of faith now assessed by your convictions?

You ask them to look a certain way and insist they must stay by the tradition even when the way they look is not sinful. Yes, the denomination is an institution and will have some rules, adminstrative traditions that govern her but when we begin to make these a priority to the extent of becoming a thorn in the flesh, is this Christianity?

You go as far as taking off wedding reception decorations because it is “worldly”
Is this Christianity?

How about “remembering” to invite a sister regarding a suitor who came to the MC almost 8 months earlier, maybe because he was from another denomination.
Is this Christianity?

When we begin to make complex the simple Christianity Christ has given us or make it difficult for people to follow Christ, is this Christianity?

When the traditions I follow are more important than the fruit of the spirit I’m supposed to have, is this Christianity?

When being born again is characterized by a grandiose story of salvation one has or dressing like your convictions or your cultural perspective of Christian dressing, is this Christianity?

You even have different standards for these couples depending on who they know in church or whose children they are.You force the person whose parents are not “senior leaders” in church to follow the strict rules while you allow the Daddy’s daughter or son wear what they wish to. Maybe because you do not want to offend daddy or mommy. Mind you both outfits are modest. Is this Christianity?

When administrative protocols are important enough to stifle the move of the Holy Spirit in the congregation, is this Christianity?

When being a tagged worker becomes the evidence of being born again.

There are one thousand and one ways a child of Abba can work for Him and He is pleased. Moreover, God gives His children various assignments in the body.A could be a silent minister interceding for the fellowship and B could be the face of the fellowship. One is not more important than the other as each’s assignment is vital for the accomplishment of the grand mandate.

Is Christ’s blood no longer enough to make me His? Is my obedience to God’s word and the life I live not enough evidence of being a Christian? Is it until I hold a prominent position in church where people address me as “mama” or carry my bag before I can be identified as a child of God?

Why is respect given to people only when you know their spiritual affiliations? A sis/bro you see in church is no one till you find out the person has connection with a senior pastor in church, then the respect comes in. Is this Christianity?

Little wonder there is strife in the denomination for leadership positions. You go on to make holes in someone’s airbed because you want to be seen as the serious member in order to be given a position. You do a lot of eye service and people-pleasing because you want the leader to appoint you for a prominent position in the denomination

Is this Christianity?

Marginalization. You marginalize and put someone away because the person does not look like your Christian convictions or perspectives. You refuse to support the work of God/ministry in the hands of that child of Abba because he/she is not following the rules even if he/she is following Christ. How different are you from Diotrephes? 3 John v 9-11

I remember when some of the things now permitted, like the TV, were strictly fought against, and I believe with good intentions. There were members who were disciplined and stopped from joining the workforce because they had this in their homes. There was also the culture and unspoken rule of seeing members who had this in their homes (I’m using the TV as an example) as being worldly. I was part of that culture too.

Well, see where we are today.

The word of God has not changed. We just have a better understanding of how we can use this tool for God’s glory. Make no mistake, not having the TV at a time influenced my training positively, even though I’d sneak to watch TV in my neighbor’s house then or do so whenever I had to wait in their houses when my parents were away.

I remember the statements of “You were watching TV ehn?” It was almost equal to sinning even if it was cartoons I watched. By the way the cartoon of those days were lit and clean, at least the ones I remember watching. But the prejudice and hostility attached to identifying with the TV at the time was intense. Some souls were lost, some members that might have stayed left, some ministries were quenched.

As much as traditions are expected for the institution’s identity, it should not be placed above the righteousness of God. It should not become the weapon that wounds the body. It should not be the yardstick for identifying a Christian. It should not be the medium people use to vent their personal frustrations or dislike for someone. It should not be the thorn that keeps souls away from the cross.

Above all, may our focus be Christ and Christ alone, the Author and finisher of our faith.

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