
My COVID19 shot experience (1)

Yes, I took the vaccine.


I had been indifferent about taking the vaccine when the whole saga began. Actually I didn’t think I’d get the opportunity to.

When I heard vaccines had been released, it felt faraway. Then I heard the country had received the first batch, but it still felt faraway. Some weeks later we were informed of the vaccination schedule at my workplace.

I still wasn’t sure I’d take it or not. I had come in contact with and taken blood samples of patients whose COVID19-RDT tests came back positive.

I had done this without any full *PPE (they weren’t available) asides my face masks and gloves.

I never went for the test myself, I only looked out for symptoms, took my vitamins, followed the protocol everywhere possible, and prayed. I also began the Ivermectin regimen which was made available by the hospital.


I took the vaccine because I felt it was necessary being in the high-risk group (frontline health worker). I also considered the fact that it might become an international requirement soon, so why not get it over with.


Did I have any concerns or reservations?

Yes, I did.

I had read various reports on the vaccine,  so I made an informed decision.


*Vaccine Facts

Brand: AstraZeneca


Site: left arm (intramuscular)


Antigen: “non-replicating vector”


Some side effects include fever, headache, myalgia, pain at injection site.

In the concluding part of this blog post, I also shared a brief explanation on how vaccines work. I hope you find it helpful.


Read concluding part here.


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