
My COVID19 shot experience (2)

Hello Cherrie Dearies!

I had my first dose of the COVID19 vaccine and thought to share my experience for information purpose.

If you’re yet to read the first part, you can do so here.


I was given the vaccine at about 11:00 AM. I felt fine till around 6:00 PM when I woke up with a fever. It was intense. I had a headache, felt terribly weak and found it difficult to get out of bed.

By morning,  the fever had subsided but my body and head still ached. I had to stay off work for the day.

Most colleagues of mine who had the vaccine had same complaints of fever, headache and myalgia.

I never had a vaccine reaction this intense. Knowing the mechanism of action of vaccines allayed any fears.


Vaccines act by stimulating an immune response in the body. Stimulation of an immune response helps the body create antibodies, “soldiers” to that particular microbe or virus in this case. Thus, your body is aware of the existence of this virus,  and is prepared to fight it if it comes in contact with it.

These antibodies your body also makes when you’re infected with the disease but the difference is the antigen in vaccines are less virulent and should not cause the disease itself.  The actual virus will go on to cause the damage it causes but its vaccine version will stimulate an immune response in your body with the sole aim of antibody creation.


Then why the symptoms…fever, headache?


Immune system stimulation occurs with the release of inflammatory cells including cytokines. These substances are responsible for setting things in motion.

Interestingly, the release is usually accompanied by fever. This is because they are pyrogens (fever-inducing substances).

Fever is the body’s alarm. It notifies us that there is an “intruder”. Depending on the type and quantity of the “intruder”, appropriate medications can be taken to deal with the “intruder” or allow the body deal with it.

For the associated pain, it is recommended to take paracetamol  (acetaminophen) but not diclofenac as this can cause adverse effects.


In my case I took nothing and decided to just wait it out. I got better by evening of the following day.

It’s almost a month since I had the first dose. The second dose is due in less than six months from now.

I also made a video on my experience here.


Thank you for reading through. I’d like to hear from you too.

Have you had the vaccine? Were there any side effects?

Let me know in the comment section below.


Yours Cherrily,


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