Dee Table Talk

Virgin Lies

But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints”

Ephesians 5:3


Reader’s discretion advised


Hello fellow Christ followers!


We are in an age and time where staying sexually pure is becoming more and more difficult. Dare take a stand and you will be given reasons why you should not. Some reasons seem “legitimate” that it takes an enlightened mind to see beyond the veil.


Here are some reasons I’d like us to consider:


“Your first time will be painful.”

Your first time MAY be painful. This is relative and depends largely on the amount of foreplay and response prior to penetration. Well, that’s story for another day.



There will always a first time regardless, so why not experience the pain with a blessing?


“I can’t meet my spouse as a virgin” (virgin here is used in a mocking way).



Darling, you’ve got nothing to lose getting married as a virgin. Enjoy your “first time” with a blessing.


“Oh I need to get some experience before I get married.”

Are you going for the Olympics? Why do you need to practice?


“Oh we need to try it out before we get married.”


Why do you want a taste if you don’t intend eating? What’s the point if you’d still get married and have the whole of eternity (pun intended) to do whatever you want to do? Why not wait to “try it out” with a blessing?


“…they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” Genesis 2:25.

There should be no shame in marriage, so why the need to prove to your spouse that you know how to? The first time?! Does he need to take you to cloud nine on your wedding night?

I think our unrealistic expectations influenced by the media creates unhealthy pressures. Even if he were a pro, I think he needs to know what your buttons are to get you to cloud nine. This you discover by experience – experience specific to the both of you, experience best gotten within the blessedness of your union.


“Everyone else is doing it.”

Wrong! Not everyone, darling. When Elijah thought he was the only prophet left in Israel, God informed him that he had seven thousand more who still honoured Him.


“But I don’t want to be a novice.

“Darling, you do not have to be a novice. There are resources available to you – books, seminars, that teach you from a healthy and godly perspective. Healthy conversations with married friends, family members can also be a good source of information for when the time is right. Fact is you won’t know everything in one night. You’ll have to discover each other to enjoy its fullness so take ya time. It’s half a lifetime discovery (I think you should be “very experienced” by your 4th decade together).


The conclusion of the whole matter is this: fear God and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENT.

Why steal the fruit if it’s yours? Wait, when it is ripe, sit down enjoy and eat it with blessings.


If you have regrets…Darling, do not worry. You can begin again.

May His grace speak for us.


Yours Cheerily,


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