can man be friends with God?
Bible Study,  Dee Table Talk,  Faith

Can Man be Friends with God?

You are my friends if you do what I command.

John 15:14

Intimacy or friendship with God is sometimes believed to be an illusion. How can you be friends with God the creator and consuming fire? After all, we are just His creatures.

Interestingly, friendship with Him was His idea and He still desires it.

Let’s look at this in detail.

Cambridge dictionary defines intimacy as “a situation where you have a close friendship or sexual relationship with someone.”

Intimacy is why God created man. For fellowship. Otherwise, He already has enough angels at His beck and call, angels whose duty is to worship His majesty.

In Genesis, God would come in the cool of the day to have COMMUNION with Adam and Eve. It was during one of such times they hid from him because they had sinned. Relationship was the essence of creation. God created man in His image – to be like Him and commune with Him. He placed them in the garden of Eden as “gods” to have dominion like He does.

Little wonder when man fell, God immediately declared a means of redemption for man even as He gave His judgement because, He wanted that relationship renewed. Genesis 3:15

The scripture is filled with examples that relay God’s intention for fellowship with man. Throughout the old testament, God interacted with man in various ways: direct speech (Genesis 12:1), through angels (Luke 1:19), prophets (2 kings 21:10), visions, dreams (Numbers 12:6), and so on.

Abraham’s relationship with God is a model one. His obedience to and faith in God is worthy of emulation.

“Then the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?” Genesis 18:17

Another example is Moses whom God spoke directly with.

But this is not true of my servant Moses; he is faithful in all my house. With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?” Numbers 12:7-8

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ emphasizes relationship with God by His relationship with His disciples. He counseled them, fed them, protected them from harm (calming the storm), corrected them, performed miracles to strengthen their faith, etc. He was very present with them. He told them He would return to heaven and prepare a place of abode for them to be with Him. John 14:1-3

He also promised that they would not be alone while in the world; the Holy Spirit will be with them. “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” John 14:26

It’s good to know that these promises are to everyone who believes in Jesus Christ.

It is also important that I talk about the torn veil and its significance. Have you ever thought of the significance of the torn veil?

And Jesus cried out again with a loud [agonized] voice, and gave up His spirit [voluntarily, sovereignly dismissing and releasing His spirit from His body in submission to His Father’s plan]. And [at once] the veil [of the Holy of Holies] of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; the earth shook and the rocks were split apart.

Matthew 27:50‭-‬51 AMP

The veil once differentiated the “worthy” from the “unworthy” ones. The veil separated the inner and outer courts of the temple. The inner court was meant for only the priests to approach as it was the most sacred place in the temple where God’s Presence dwelt. This veil was rent in two while Jesus Christ was on the Cross. That symbolizes direct access to God through Jesus Christ. Just like there was no veil before the fall (sin), there is no veil after Christ. You and I can now approach the Throne of Mercy boldly through Jesus Christ. We no longer require a middle man, because God’s desire has always been to have fellowship with man.

God’s desire to have fellowship with man in no way contradicts the fact that HE. IS. GOD. ALL-POWERFUL, SOVEREIGN and SELF-EXISTENT.


He desires fellowship with you… and me.

What wonder!

So Cherrie Dearie, you can enjoy intimacy with God while honouring Him in reverent fear.
Intimacy with God is no illusion but a reality and is God’s plan for man.

Talk again soon. Meanwhile, let’s keep walking this pilgrim way.

Yours Cherrily,

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