Faith,  Lifestyle,  Motivation

Walking Towards Your Dream

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. One foot in front of the other; repeat that successively till you arrive at your destination.

Some people never get to see their dreams come true because they never try for fear of the unknown. Some remain content dreaming because they fear their dreams are too big to accomplish. Some never try simply because they are not willing to put work in to achieve their dreams.

There are hardly hand-me-downs in life, you have to go for it- your goal, the vision of what you want your future to be like. Instead of dwelling on the enormity of the task, making it cripple you, zero in on the finished picture as you take one step after another towards it.

Keep dreaming and keep walking.

They say, “stop dreaming and start doing” but I say keep dreaming and keep walking.
Dreaming in itself is not bad because a dream has a magnetic force that propels you toward it, fuel that keeps your passion burning, and lens that aid your focus. So darling, dream, and walk towards your dream.

Work & Dream

Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation.

Zig Ziglar

How to walk towards your dream

  • Prepare

Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation. He who fails to plan, plans to fail.

How do you prepare?


Develop yourself


Value attracts. Value is respected. Value is appreciated. Add value to yourself. Do not be complacent with your present state. How do you wish to improve today in comparison with who you were yesterday?

In what areas do you wish to improve? Your skill, profession, relationships, knowledge of world matters? These are some questions you should answer for yourself.


In relation to your dream, find out what skills the dream-achieved-version of yourself will need and acquire them. Communication skills? Professional proficiency? Business acumen?

While you add value to yourself, do add to others as well. Let people have a taste of your sweetness, that way, they know whose attention to draw when they require such. This can help you in achieving your dreams.

Mind you, preparing yourself does not have to be overwhelming, and indeed will not if you take it a step at a time.

What value do you wish to add to yourself today? Or this week? Or in the next 3-6 months? It could be a professional course in an area of interest or an area of benefit; I will explain. A topic may not necessarily interest you but you know the knowledge of it will be beneficial to you in your dream pursuit, thus you go for it. I think you understand better now?

Have a dream

He who fails to plan, plans to fail.

Winston Churchill
  • Plan

What is the purpose of your dream? For self? For God? For humanity?

What do you want to do when your dream comes true? What will you do with the money, fame and position? What will you do with the influence? Does your dream align with God’s will? If you are yet to answer these questions, then you may want to pause your pursuit.

Joseph knew the purpose of his dream; it was to preserve the lives of members of his family, Egypt and beyond. Genesis 45:5
It’s worthy of note that he achieved all that, honouring God.

When you have your answers, draw a rough sketch of how you intend to achieve your dream.
I say rough because the course may not be exactly as planned but be rest assured that you will arrive at your destination.


Choose your community

The man of too many friends [chosen indiscriminately] will be broken in pieces and come to ruin, But there is a [true, loving] friend who [is reliable and] sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 18:24
  • Choose your community

Who you surround yourself with has a huge influence in achieving your dreams.
The context of community here includes friends, family, colleagues, religious family, well-wishers, etc.

Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you; spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.

Amy Poehler

Friends discourage. Friends betray. Friends inflict harm. Friends degrade. A sour memory of such is that of Joseph and his brothers. Genesis 37:12-36

The people he trusted most- his family, betrayed him. Gratefully, he did not allow that destroy him, instead, he allowed the divine course unfold as he walked towards his dream. Sadly, some may not be that fortunate if they choose the wrong company.

They say you can not choose your family, right?  But you really can if the one you were born into seeks to hamper your progress continually. Because, home is not where you were born but where you are loved- in a healthy way.
What if Joseph never left his father’s house, would he have achieved his dream? I’m glad he was able to help them later on. Genesis 45:5


It is good to know that there are friends who encourage, are loyal, and are sacrificial. These friends lift up, inspire and push you towards your dream. They help you focus, pulling you back on track whenever necessary.
I’m reminded of such friendship by that of Jonathan and David. 1 Samuel 18:1-4; 19:1-7

Surround yourself with people you want to be like. This influences your choice of people to follow on social media, people you listen to, books you read, and more.


Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain.

Psalm 127:1
  • Pray

Pray over your dreams. Pray against dream stealers, dream destroyers and dream snatchers.

Pray your dream is accomplished like Jabez’s.

Jabez had an ill omen around him. He prayed for a 180° turnaround and God granted his request. 1 Chronicles 4:10

11 things to be as you walk towards your dream

  • Be dogged
  • Be patient
  • Be flexible
  • Be humble
  • Be innovative
  • Be focused
  • Be prayerful
  • Be friendly
  • Be faithful
  • Be faith-full
  • Be consistent

Enjoy the process.

Follow the plan and I will see you at the top.

A blessed new year to you.

Yours cheerily,

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